The UpdateUserProfile payload. This payload is used to update a user's profile. The abscence of a field or it being undefined means that it won't have an effect. Explicitly setting a field as null will clear it.


"display_name": "HappyRu",
"bio": "I am very happy!"


  • UpdateUserProfile


avatar?: null | number

The user's new avatar. This field has to be a valid file ID in the "avatar" bucket.

banner?: null | number

The user's new banner. This field has to be a valid file ID in the "banner" bucket.

bio?: null | string

The user's new bio. The upper limit is the instance's InstanceInfo bio_limit.

display_name?: null | string

The user's new display name. This field has to be between 2 and 32 characters long.

status?: null | string

The user's new status. This field cannot be more than 150 characters long.

status_type?: null | StatusType

The user's new status type. This must be one of ONLINE, OFFLINE, IDLE and BUSY.